2007 - 02 - 05 01:53
Michael Nalbandian //translated into english by Alice Stone Blackwell
LIBERTY WHEN God, who is forever free, Breathed life into my earthly frame, — From that first day, by His free will When I a living soul became, — A babe upon my mother’s, breast, Ere power of speech was given to me, Even then I stretched my feeble arms Forth to embrace thee, Liberty! Wrapped round with many swaddling bands, All night I did not cease to weep, And in the cradle, restless still, My cries disturbed my mother’s sleep. “ O mother !” in my heart I prayed, “ Unbind my arms and leave me free ! ” And even from that hour I vowed To love thee ever, Liberty! When first my faltering tongue was freed, And when my parents’ hearts were stirred With thrilling joy, to hear their son Pronounce his first clear-spoken word, “Papa, Mamma,” as children use, Were not the names first said by me; The first word on ray childish lips Was thy great name, O Liberty! “ Liberty ! ” answered from on high The sovereign voice of Destiny : “Wilt thou enroll thyself henceforth A soldier true of Liberty ? The path is thorny all the way, And many trials wait for thee ; Too strait and narrow is this world For him who loveth Liberty.” “ Freedom !” I answered, “ on my head Let fire descend and thunder burst; Let foes against my life conspire, Let all who hate thee do their worst: I will be true to thee till death ; Yea, even upon the gallows tree The last breath of a death of shame Shall shout thy name, O Liberty !” |